
Hi! I'm Mim,

Supporting parents and babies to share moments of deep connection is what brings me the greatest joy. 

Titled as the ‘baby whisperer’ by friends and family over the years, l gave in and listened to that little voice in my head begging me to follow my passion. Since following my heart and pursuing LoveCo Baby l haven’t been able to wipe the cheesy smile off my face. It’s here to stay forever! 

We teach nurturing programs in both Hypnobirthing and baby massage that supports parents and babies on their journey together from the very beginning and through your baby’s first year, all aimed at empowering you with the skills to build a trusting and loving relationship with your baby.

I’m a certified practitioner with Hypnobirthing Australia, and Baby in Mind, nationally accredited by the Australian Institute of Social Relations.

For me, the saying is true that “the littlest feet make the biggest footprints on our hearts” and I’m so very grateful l get to squeeze so may little feet at LoveCo Baby.

I look forward to sharing the gift of Hypnobirthing and baby massage with you and your family soon.

Love Mim xx

