What is Hypnobirthing?

Welcome to the journey of Hypnobirthing, where the miracle of childbirth is embraced with calmness, confidence, and empowerment. This profound approach to childbirth embraces the mind, body, and soul, redefining your birthing experience.  

Through the fusion of hypnosis, mindfulness, and holistic wellness practices, this method promises to not only revolutionise the way you approach labour and delivery but also instils a deep sense of calm, confidence, and joy as you prepare to welcome your precious little one into the world.  

Join us as we delve into the principles, techniques, and philosophy of holistic hypnobirthing, where your pregnancy and birth become an extraordinary celebration of natural strength, inner harmony, and the beauty of childbirth. Your birthing story begins here.


Positive Birth Program

I prescribe to the Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program, Australia's leading childbirth education course. Designed for all couples at any stage in your parenting journey and all birthing options. You will learn breathing, relaxation, massage, acupressure, and self-hypnosis techniques, along with knowledge and tools to assist you to make well-informed decisions while pregnant, during birth, and beyond. These are skills for life!  



In-person group classes are run over 2-4 weeks. This includes up to 12 hours of education over to days. Groups are small and intimate with a maximum of 8 couples.


Private classes are delivered to you in the comfort of your own home. Sessions are 3 hours each and will run over 2-4 weeks. To organise dates/times please get in touch.


Combine the group class along with a private session in your own home. Provided for couples that may not be able to attend the full groups course. Please get in touch to discuss further.


Alternatively, if you are unable to attend any of the in-person classes you can participate in one of the Hypnobubs online courses.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The short answer: it’s a state of deep meditation. It is a series of tools and practices to assist you during your labour.

    Hypnobirthing is a practice created by Marie Mongan, M.Ed., M.Hy., a hypnotherapist and Harvard University Ford Foundation Fellow. The philosophy behind hypnobirthing has been around forever. The idea is that mother and baby take control and work together, our bodies are made to do this. It’s the belief that every woman has the power to use maternal instinct to birth in comfort and in a way that mirrors nature.

  • At LoveCo baby we will teach you how to include the practice of meditation, breathing rituals and visualisation to enter a state of deep hypnosis. Combined, these practises can not only help relieve pain but also can be known to release endorphins, meaning you can actually enjoy your labour, free from fear and in an empowered way.

  • Birth Partners will benefit greatly from learning with their partner and developing an understanding of the journey they are embarked upon. This alone can be a valuable part of hypnobirthing experience. Many couples that hypnobirth together talk in terms of ‘we did it’ as the experience is very much combined. During labour your Hynobirthing partner will be present to give gentle reminders and prompts for breathing techniques, visualisations and hypnosis meditation.

  • Hypnobirthing can potentially benefit your baby by reducing stress, ensuring a good oxygen supply, promoting healthy blood flow, minimising the need for medications, creating a calm birth environment, and contributing to a positive birth experience for both you and your baby.

  • Absolutely! Many people hear the word Hypnosis and think of stage performances with hanging pocket watches. This is not the case, trust us. You will be in a state of deep relaxation and therefore may feel tired afterwards (you will have just given birth!) The process may make you more focused on your birthing experience rather than the people around you, and time probably won’t matter too much. You are conscious and can return your ‘normal’ state at any point throughout your labour.

  • No. Hynobirthing is advised to help manage all kinds of labour, even planned C-sections. You will learn skills to help you throughout your experience, regardless of how that journey looks for you. You will have a better understanding of your body and its capabilities and have the tools to remain calm and in control.